Thursday, March 7, 2013

Report from Women in the Great Lakes Area of Africa

Attending delivery of a report from 10 African countries

First woman accused of being witches, there are 2 center that welcomes these women, center helped by religious organization .government also helps. Do a lot of activities. March 2010 a March. Village in favour of center, women are  stigmatized. Think it important they be housed in other arrangements than camps.  Different ministry organized to help the women get a law adopted

Communication, girls in the camp, mother accused of being  a witch. Lack of facilities. Camps, public awareness, because of stigmatizion, can't go back home. What needs to be done. Families suffer stigmatization. Support integration.
Second presenter - Talk about FGM in Gunea. Worst form of violence.still so many of them, linked to religion and social norm.   96% in all communities, all religions, including Moslem and Christian. What  they did, to fight, a department minister.  Fight against FGM. Mark sure raise awareness. reproductive health, commun in the community, establish  law and establish. FGM office, teaching for nurses. Bring  men into the fight. Common strategy against FGM. Long work, needs to bring a clear strategy. Violence on girls between 3 and 10 years of age.

Sexual exploitation. Men who are in key positions, girls  used to provide for families. Violation, child marriage have laws, GBV. Borders, set up a structure, draft law, criminal code GBV task force. Challenges, rape, reassurance from families. Don't have knowledge, inadequate structure, from rural areas.

Mali, conflict, NLM first thing did was rape women. Really bad women young and old Rebels. Goal was to rape. After brought other rebels, and that weren't married were stoned, those that were were sleeping with 10 men. Babies don't know fathers have HIV can't wash still go into house and rape women in front of head, lost everything in refugees camp. Ask, all this suffering need to hel Mali, socanbring justice. Now we. Started to help psychological get dignity back.

Sierra Leone, economic violence. Quite clear economic, 84% in rural areas, property of husband, women's econimc independence impossible. Govt. laws national action plan women's economic independence agreed conclusion include. Life skills need for law enforcement to be trained.

Senegal, between the couple, women disciplined if speak about it. Worst pace is inthe families use knives, society in Senegal think normal , international conventions, gap between what ia said and reality. Fight against impunity. Women get protection for children mist be included.

Nigeria, talking rape. Here to introduce, people talking about it legislation. About to be adopted. There are  2 major forms of violence, rape of children, incest, run a shelter, issue of VAW as a health issue. Training. Coordinated response needed. Victims told stry to different agencies rather than tell many times. Documenation. 76  cases reported I one day.

Togo, widows, some parts of ghana. tied in with marriage, arranged, early marriage. no right to inheritance, will marry somewhwer else, when husband dies, accuses of witchcrft. needs to sleep on floor, nothing to wear, ceremonies last 3 months. can't bathe. no economic activities. can;t get married. ceremony hair cut, she will walk, leave village and have sex witjh not a known man. if doesn't mrry husband's brother, won't see children. amend f family code. Challenging - see that womens rights respected. on paper everything is well, but in reality. verydifferent.

Repot by UN women,  discuss, happy to help, support AAWORD ensure action taken.usingreport Your experience. not a private, but is a violation of human right law, workable.

Gender in action, feek sick, see there,s no control of womens bodies,  talk about custom law. why allow rape and young childrn -  stronger words, pedophiles. Conspiracy.  Patriarchy.happening in all spaces, even with women to women, FGM  for example and the breast irining, done by women

Custom issue an important issue, it must stop.  Exploitation because of religion. rape in India, i am a feminist, femle condom during the day, taking contraceptives because doen't want to be pregnant.. Control of body,
question. If want to end impunity, important for police to know, build capacity.

Children think it normal, hear same thing, more action  especialy Mali. Take own destiny. open doors, if you don't talk, nothing will happen.

Removing 1325 from agreed conclusions  - It must be included.

Educating girls, west Africa women, need to know violence happening in all counties.

How does Nigeria deal with this issue with sharia law? We keep on negotiating. Talk about survivors so violence not victims.

Disabilities, serious issue, from the abuse. Prioritize women with disabilities working group on Mali,solidarity march declaration to ambassador, declaration to the delegation.

Talk about violence, don't have papers, can't talk, being exploited, have no voice to denounce it in all countries.

From DRC, encourage UN Women,good for other countries.

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